14 June 2010

EuroTrash Monday

I'm a big fan of Pez Cycling's EuroTrash Monday
Brajkovic The Boss In France
Janez Brajkovic (Radioshack) wins the Dauphiné Libéré over Alberto Contador (Astana) and Tejay Van Garderen(Columbia-HTC).
Cancellara Motors Into Lead In Switzerland
Fabian Cancellara winner of the 2009 Tour de Suisse, started the 2010 Tour de Suisse in yellow.
Valverde Refuses To Deal With The UCI
Recently banned cyclist, Alejandro Valverde was offered, and rejected, a deal from the UCI to reduce his doping ban. He was told his sentence would be reduced to finishing 5 months early at the end of July 2011. He would also keep his victories earned in 2010. The deal? admission that blood bag number 18, labeled 'piti' from Operation Puerto belonged to him. Nop, no deal.
Liquigas Searched
Good news regarding recent team searches, the Liquigas bus and team cars were searched on their way to the Dauphiné last week (near Mont Blanc) and nothing at all was found. Yes, nothing is good news.
and other news: 
Team Radio Shack and Levi Leipheimer selected a new Mechanic. Glenn Fant, from Santa Rosa, CA was asked to be Levi's personal mechanic for the Tour de Suisse and the Tour de France in 2010. Long time friend of Levi's and local mechanic, Fant was on "tryouts" during the Tour of California but recently received the call by Johan Bruyneel to join the team. Fant shares ownership of The Bike Peddler and NorCal Bike Sport in Santa Rosa. The shops employ 35 people. Fant, age 36, also has a six-month old boy with his wife (they will be visiting him between tours in Europe), but will head to Europe last minute for six weeks. "That's not just a resume builder. That’s a resume maker", and likely a dream for any mechanic.
Lance Armstrong has his personal (and lead) mechanic Craig Geater, Levi will use Glenn Fant. Nick Legan will join Geater and Fant to work on the remaining bikes of the other 6 team members.

I just happened to catch Glenn Fant and Levi Leipheimer together before the start of the ITT at the Tour of California 2010 in Los Angeles, CA.