26 January 2012

Recommended Viewing: Boulder Culture

Poking fun at the cyclist's culture
A friend recently sent me this video, that was promoted to the world on January 22nd, I watched it and immediately thought, where can I sign up to become a "runner," or a "swimmer" or just about any other title given to an athlete, for I realized I spent the last decade either saying or listening to the entire content of this video. Oh the life of a "cyclist."
This video was made in Boulder, Colorado. Boulder has a distinct fit in culture expected of their cyclists. Our local news site 303Cycling.com recently reported that Boulder is ranked as the #1 bicycle city in the United States. I suppose with cultural impact, often comes spirited character. Boulder is home to many students on bicycles, commuters on bicycles, professional cyclists in training, home of team Garmin-Baracuda, and way too many serious amateur cyclists. This is real life in Boulder, Colorado. Enjoy the laugh!

Hmm, I might want to return to being a "Skier"(video)