I have been watching the Giro de Italia on Universal Sports, I love the Giro but Universal Sports has two very monotonous American sports announcers. After years of listening to the British announcers Phil Liggett and Paul Sherwen, all I can say is I MISS PHIL AND PAUL! Phil and Paul make watching cycling fun. Their colorful and knowledgeable coverage of races is part of the history and feel of being a fan of professional cycling.
I crack up as they banter like an old married couple, or somehow avoid talking over each other too often. They politely correct one another, forgive mistakes made in fractions of a second and move on to call a race pedal stroke by pedal stroke. No way I could talk that much about cycling for hours and hours, I would end up saying stuff like, "wow, that's so cool," "go, go, go," "ouch, that must of hurt," or "what, another castle?"
Of course Phil's famous saying Dancing on the Pedals is my inspiration for the title of my blog Pedal Dancer. If you are curious to read more about these two gentlemen, read on ...

In 2004 Outside Magazine had a lengthy article (5 pages) on the well known announcers of the Tour de France Phil Liggett and Paul Sherwen. My brother pulled up this old article again for your reading pleasure: 2004 Tour de France: The Ultimate Guide They're Dancing on the Pedals Holy bitumen! It's Phil and Paul, the excitable Brits who give le Tour its champagne gush.
In 2003 PezCycling.com had an interesting interview with Phil Liggett. Phil Liggett: The Pez-Clusive Interview

Phil Liggett in Solvang, CA at the ATOC 2009,Photo by Karen at PedalDancer.com
You can visit the Phil Liggett Fan Page and read some famous LiggetismsPezCycling had an interview with Sherwen in 2008 >Catching Up With Paul Sherwen!>

Paul Sherwen is also on Twitter.
And just in case you are curious about that board game mentioned in the Outside Magazine article, here it is: Tour de France 2009 Phil and Paul Bingo Game