24 March 2015

Recommended Viewing: GCN video

Global Cycling Network (GCN) is in Calfornia

My beautiful home state where they have b-u-r-r-i-t-o-s  and  m-a-r-g-a-r-i-t-a-s.

As you may know I am a huge fan of GCN video, mostly because I really like their accents, secondly because they get to ride in the coolest places and thirdly because they have the best jobs ever.

Neal Rogers of VeloNews recently joined the GCN crew (he is a native of California) and so far his British accent is a bit lacking. Instead he appears to be influencing his co-workers speech patterns, which seems plainly odd to me, but then I remember how the Belfast City Bike Tour guides chuckled at my pronunciation of Anthony (Aahn-thun-neey) and realize California accents can be quite entertaining as well, especially when I pull out my so cal coastal surfing lingo.

This evening I was happily watching this week's GCN video, when I spotted a familiar photo - "Hey! I took that photo!"  The strange thing about being a photographer is that I can remember the angle of nearly every race shot I have taken and how the light shown on a blade of grass in the background. Sure enough it was my photo.

Some things in life bring me great joy:

1. Watching every single video that Global Cycling Network has ever made.
2. Seeing Neal Rogers' transition to blend into GCN.
3. Seeing my race photo of Neal Rogers on GCN (that would be at exactly 3:54).

GCN Video 03/24/215