26 January 2014

Photo for the Day - Snow Hiking

I took my dog for a nice walk in the snow yesterday

When the snow is not deep enough for snowshoes, but the blue skies and windless day make for a perfect hike in the snow, that is when it is best to hit the trails. My dog Jack and I both put on our snow boots and enjoyed a beautiful blue-skied Colorado day in the nearby mountains (near Mt. Evans).

Today made me wish that nice winter weekends would last and the cycling season would stay at bay. I'd much rather be walking through the woods, and today I did just that.

Still, I am nearing 3000 visits to just this one post by Pedal Dancer (published only 24 days ago): 2014 Colorado Cycling Events and Bike Rides.  It appears people definitely want to participate in bike events in 2014.