19 July 2010

Touring the Luberon Valley

I explored more of Provence today and watched the Tour de France

I had planned to be at today's stage of the Tour de France. Really I had. I had accommodations in Bagneres-du-Luchon and everything. The three big climbs I didn't do while in France, that I had intended, were Superbagneres, the east side of the Peyresourde, and Port de Bales. Although after watching Thomas Voeckler (love his climbing style!) on the climb, and Alberto Contador make his attack on Andy Schleck (go Andy!), it sure loooked hard.

I am fine with missing the day at the Tour de France, I spent 3.5 weeks climbing in the Pyrenees and I needed a vacation! Poor me. It was fun, but I am very happy to be here. I had a fun day exploring Provence. I am now sitting outside my brother's favorite hotel in Bonnieux, planning to go for dinner on the outside terraced restaurant above me.

Tomorrow morning, I plan to arise very early and ride Mount Ventoux.

Some pictures from my day in Provence, France:

I headed to the morning market in Cavillon this morning, but first stopped at this local cafe in Robion for a coffee. Ten old men were gathered standing inside around the bar, greeting each other loudly. Six Belgians were seated outside drinking beer (or cider?) at 9:00 in the morning. Their daily baguettes had been collected and were placed on the cafe table, but why rush into the day without a first beer? I sat happily with my espresso and sports page.
These are my favorite melons in France (the green ones are good) especially with dried ham (jambon):
I had a great picnic lunch today, traveled along the bike path route (that is Mount Ventoux in the background):
I like the south side of the Luberon Valley from Robion to Apt. There are nice bike route loops in the area. Although it is hot mid-day (33 today!). This is Bonnieux:
This is Lacoste:
Vertical shots work well in this part of France - wine country and lavender fields:
okay off to dinner now ...