03 June 2010

A Magical Place

One of my favorite places in this world is a farm outside of Pau, France

This farm sits on a beautiful green hillside with unobstructed views of the Pyrenees mountains to the south. From the windows of the old house I can watch the weather roll into the mountain valleys beyond. From the kitchen flows home cooked meals, from the patio rises laughter and the smell of fresh rain, or the feel of sunshine. This home opens it's arms to visitors, welcoming old friends and new friends to a magical place. 

I have many memories of this farm. I have heard even more than I have experienced. This farm continues to grow, to become richer with life, and friendship, every year. As I sit in Colorado, it is nice to know in my mind, that a place like this exists.

This is a true home:
These are the kind souls that care for the home and make it a welcoming place to be. The wonderful Jean Paul and Jeanine (in Laguna Beach, CA with me and my sister-in-law Suz in 2007).
This is the view from their slice of heaven near Pau, France
A comfortable home
A place to be with friends
And family
And wash bikes
And share a meal
And relax
 And explore the local roads on a bike
And local towns
 And always find a warm welcome upon return
Thank you Jean Paul and Jeanine for all the blessings you have shared with so many others!